Our Services
Our services flow from a garden consultation, through designing your native plant garden space, installing it to bring it to life, and then ultimately helping you to maintain it if you choose. Some clients take this entire journey with us, others prefer to just do a consultation. It’s totally up to you.
Garden Consultation
It all starts with your ideas. One of our professional designers will visit you and we will walk your site together. We want to hear about your vision for your garden, what’s working for you, what’s not, and experience the site conditions with you. We look at the native plants that you already have, as well the more traditional exotic plant species, highlighting any invasive species.
You may just be interested in exploring your site and its potential with us or you may be interested in receiving a proposal for the next step in the process, a landscape design plan.
Our design process is a multi-step, digital journey to get you from ideas to an exciting plan for your native plant garden:
INVENTORY: One of our site inventory technicians will visit you to take on-site measurements, a photographic inventory and prepare a digital base plan.
DRAFT DESIGN: A designer will then be able to start working on your draft design. We will get together with you in a virtual meeting to thoroughly review your digital draft design so that you feel well-oriented to your potential new native garden and can formulate feedback for your designer.
FINALIZED DESIGN PLANS: Your designer will incorporate your feedback into a final plan set that includes a concept masterplan, hardscape planning and detailed planting plans. You will own this plan set in perpetuity, and you may choose to move to the next step with us; installing your garden.
It’s time to turn your plan into reality! We provide full support for your garden installation, including professional crews and an expert designer on-site. We can help you to phase your plan into sections if you choose and provide comprehensive quotes that include the cost of the plant materials, labor and materials.
We will source all of the plants for your new garden and arrange their delivery, coordinated with the arrival of our professional, friendly crew. The installation process will involve your designer, who will be on site, providing communication and directing the crew. All you need to do is sit back and watch the crew work their magic.
Now you have a new garden, what’s next? We can help you to maintain your garden as it grows up to become an established, resilient ecological powerhouse. Our goal is to maintain the beauty of your garden, while protecting the ecosystem services that it is providing with knowledgeable weeding, pruning and plant management. We currently only provide maintenance for gardens that we have installed.
Please email us for more information at maintenance@nativeplantLD.com